FPDA professional fora and activities
FPDA Seminar
An annual Seminar is held to enhance capacity building, interoperability, build relationships and encourage collaboration in FPDA exercises and activities.
The Seminar brings together military experts, academic scholars and policy advisors to explore emerging topics of interest to the FPDA.
Examples of topics explored in previous Seminars include: Combined and Joint Operations; Cybersecurity; Battlespace Management; and Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
FPDA Working Groups
The FPDA conducts regular working groups to discuss the development and progression of FPDA exercises and activities.
FPDA Working Groups meet biannually to bridge the gap between strategic guidance and tactical planning for exercises.
HQIADS coordinates subject matter expert attendance from all five member-nations, meeting face-to-face to develop roadmaps and future focus areas to provide ongoing relevance and training value for FPDA forces.
Introduction to FPDA Warfare Course
The Introduction to FPDA Warfare Course (IFWC) is intended to introduce the concepts of Combined and Joint Warfare in an FPDA context.
Students are introduced to FPDA policy and procedures as well as contemporary operational planning considerations. The course provides personnel with practical skillsets to plan for future FPDA exercises.
The course is run every year and is open to Senior Non-Commissioned Officers and Officers up to the rank of Major.