FPDA Exercises
FPDA exercises focus on the external defence of Malaysia and Singapore, and high-end conventional warfighting serials. Over a five-year cycle, the FPDA conducts a variety of field training exercises (FTX) and command post exercises (CPX).
Field Training Exercises (FTX)
BERSAMA SHIELD is a tactical integration exercise for FPDA air and maritime forces at the tactical-level. Hosted by HQIADS, the exercise occurs annually in Malaysia and Singapore, and routinely involves over 50 aircraft, 3-6 ships and several ground-based air defence units.
The exercise has been held annually since 2004, evolving from earlier FPDA exercise iterations such as STARDEX, FLYING FISH, and STARFISH.
BERSAMA LIMA is a tactical-level exercise with an operational-level headquarters aimed at exercising FPDA combined and joint forces, including a land element. It is planned and led by the Malaysian Armed Forces or Singapore Armed Forces in alternate years.
In addition to augmentation at the Combined and Joint HQ, BERSAMA LIMA routinely sees 60-80 aircraft, 10-15 ships, 1-2 submarines and a Land Component.
Exercise BERSAMA SHIELD 2024 (BS24) in Malaysia
Exercise BERSAMA GOLD 2021 (BG21)
Exercise BERSAMA LIMA 2023 (BL23) in Malaysia
Exercise Bersama Lima 2024 (BL24) in Singapore
Command Post Exercises (CPX)
SUMAN WARRIOR is an annual land-based CPX solely to exercise FPDA land forces up to Brigade level. This exercise is unique in that it is hosted by each of the five nations and is the only FPDA exercise to occur outside of Singapore and Malaysia.
The name SUMAN is an acronym from the first letters of the five nations; the exercise has occurred since 1990.
SUMAN PROTECTOR occurs every 5 years and is the culminating activity in the exercise programme. Hosted by Malaysia or Singapore, it is a Tier 3 operational CPX designed to exercise an FPDA Combined and Joint Task Force headquarters to plan for and execute a military operation for the defence of Malaysia and Singapore against a conventional threat.
Up to 400 personnel are involved at the headquarters, and the exercise also allows deeper engagement with other government agencies and non-governmental organisations.
The 30th edition of Exercise Suman Warrior
Exercise SUMAN WARRIOR 2021 (SW21)

Navy ships from Singapore, Malaysia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia conduct a formation exercise during Exercise BERASMA Gold 21

FPDA Maritime Task Group (Combined Task Group 657.1) conducts a PHOTEX in formation during Exercise BERSAMA SHIELD 17

Aircrafts from FPDA member-nations conducting a flight formation during Exercise BERSAMA GOLD 21

HMAS Anzac conducts small arms firing on a splash target during Exercise BERSAMA GOLD 21

Military aircraft from the Royal Malaysian Air Force, Republic of Singapore Air Force and Royal Australian Air Force conduct a formation flight during Exercise BERSAMA GOLD 21

Air Plans briefing during Exercise BERSAMA LIMA 18

FPDA Land Component conducts fitness training

Air operations planners from Singapore, Malaysia and Australia discuss future mission profiles during Exercise BERSAMA LIMA 18

FPDA ships conduct maritime manoeuvres

HMAS Anzac fires her 5-inch naval gun while conducting a high sea firing serial during BERSAMA GOLD21

Royal Air Force (RAF) VC10 tanker conducts air-to-air refuelling on Exercise BERSAMA LIMA 11

Air crews from FPDA Air Component meet after a forcedown serial
Exercise Control (EXCON) staff at RMAF Butterworth for Exercise BERSAMA SHIELD 22

Infantry from Singapore and Australia clearing an obstacle course during Exercise BERSAMA LIMA

A rehearsal of concept drill in preparation for the culminating phase of Exercise SUMAN WARRIOR 18

HMAS Ballarat boat crew conducts maritime security training with Royal Malaysian Navy ship KD Lekir
Exercise BERSAMA LIMA 23 held in Malaysia. Opening ceremony attended by augmentees from 5 FPDA nations
A table top exercise during Introduction to FPDA Warfare Course (IFWC) in HQIADS
Members from HQIADS participating in Exercise SUMAN PROTECTOR 22 held in Singapore
Participants from the member nations during BERSAMA SHIELD 24 held in Malaysia

A Table Top Exercise conducted during SUMAN WARRIOR 23

Jungle Training during BERSAMA LIMA 23

DCIADS presented the Good Show Award to BERSAMA SHIELD 24 participants in recognition of their contributions

Table Top Exercise Discussion during SUMAN WARRIOR 24

The Malaysian Battle Group Commander delivering a briefing on their Armed Forces capabilities.

The Brigade Commander receives a brief from the multi-national Headquarters’ Staff.

Singapore Chief of Defence, Vice-Admiral Aaron Beng delivering an address during Exercise BERSAMA LIMA 24

Chief of Defence Force, Singapore Armed Forces, Vice-Admiral Aaron Beng handing over Exercise BERSAMA LIMA 25 to Chief of the Defence Force, Malaysian Armed Forces, General Tan Sri Dato' Seri Mohammad Ab Rahman.
FPDA Observer Programme
The FPDA established an observer programme in 2007 as part of Reassurance to the region. ASEAN member states, represented by their Defence Advisors and senior government officials, attend and observe FPDA exercises.
This enhances the FPDA’s transparency and non-threatening posture, and builds confidence that the FPDA is defensive in nature and not targeted against any particular country.